Nurture Birth-Wise Course (March/April)
6 Week birth preparation course for pregnant women.
Service Description
Nurture Birth-Wise is a relaxing, friendly six-week birth preparation course for pregnant women. Combining a powerful combination of the best birth preparation methods, this course is designed to support you to prepare mentally and physically for your birth, build confidence, enjoy your pregnancy, and make friends. During the course we will explore: - Antenatal education to build confidence and understanding of your body and the birth process. - Active birth education to help you understand how to use positions and movement to ease you through a more comfortable birth. - Comfort measures, labour & birthing aids and pain relief options. - Interventions and assistance in labour and self-help strategies you can use. - Three unique powerful breathing techniques, relaxation, hypnobirthing & self-care techniques - a powerful toolkit to support your birth journey! The classes are lovely and relaxing and provide a chance to have some special time set aside each week for you and your baby whilst making friends. Key Details: - 6 week course of 2 hour weekly sessions. - The course is best suited from around 25 weeks of pregnancy onwards (we recommend choosing a course that ends before you reach 38 weeks of pregnancy to give yourself the best chance of completing it) - This course is supportive of all birth journeys and choices - The course is suitable for all expectant women no matter if this is your first or fifth baby, it's still important to prepare for your birth - This course qualifies as part of your antenatal care, which means you are legally entitled to paid time off work to attend - Classes are taught by a FEDANT registered and accredited antenatal teacher and doula The course is amazing value at just £72 which works out as £12 per session (If you would like to attend but are unable to afford the cost of this course please get in touch with us we can, in certain circumstances offer different payment options and subsidies) ** Please note this course is for expectant women and birthing people only** If you are looking for a course for dads and birth partners please check out our other offering's: - Nurture Birth Essentials Course.
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
Selkirk TD7 5DZ, UK
0300 030 5361